Periplo Marionetas are Diana Romero (Madrid, Spain) and Andrés Maturana (Valparaíso, Chile): designers, builders and manipulators of puppets and stories. Before becoming puppeteers we studied other professions, Journalism and Architecture. But once the puppets crossed our lives we were trapped.
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As constructors we began to work in audiovisual projects and naturally discover the editing, lighting and mapping world, Searching, within our possibilities, the total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk) as Richard Wagner (1849) aspired to, a type of work that integrated music, dance, poetry, painting, sculpture and architecture. Although this idea came to us directly through the work of Robert Wilson (contemporary). In this search we have arrived at a concrete management of light, motion image and puppet–actor. Trying to make the audience feels like they are in a visual, immersive, beautiful and disconcerting experience. Constantly playing with their sensory capacity. We focused this practice on puppets for adults but without as much success as we expected, puppet theater is still conceived as theater for children.
Anyway… We love make a living from puppets, travel, be in the workshop, test materials, research techniques and tell stories that entertain and help a bit to this world in which we have had to live.
Our ‘journey’ began in 2003 but it was not until 2009 that we became the Periplo Marionetas Company, since then our shows and puppets have been:
- International festivals: FIROBI Barcelona (Spain), Titirimundi Segovia (Spain), FIMFA Lisboa (Portugal), FIB Brasilia (Brazil), Umore Azoka Leioa (Spain),
AR.CA Palencia (Spain), FIMO (Portugal), Tampere B. Happening (Finland),
Bristol Festival of Puppetry (UK), BITCE Fortaleza (Brazil), International
Beatleweek Liverpool (UK), Festival Mondial de Théâtre des Marionnettes
Charleville-Mézière (France), Festival d’Aurillac (France), MIMMOS (Portugal),
RIMA Abatta (Cote d’Ivoire)… - School Shows: Tour through northern Finland Schools, IES Comunidad de Madrid (Spain).
- Music videos: Selig (Universal, Germany), 4 Gatos (Avispa, Spain), Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull (Universal, Miami).
- TV Commercial campaigns: Hema (Netherlands), Optimus (Portugal), Scalpers (Spain).
- Theater productions: Hermosa Jarifa (GG Distribución), Ayahuasca (LetsGo Company).
- TV programs and series: El Hormiguero (Gestmusic, Spain), Tu si que vales (Mediaset, Italy), Brassic (Sky TV, UK).

Periplo, year by year
– String Puppet Monograph Teachers: Specialist degree in Performing Arts in discipline of Puppet and Object Theater at the Puppet Center (Alcorcón, Madrid).
– Artes y Cultura de la Sierra Norte Festival: Periplo Varieté (Madrid).
– La Verbena de los Títeres (Feria de Murcia): Periplo Varieté (Murcia).
– XXXIV TITIRITUCI Puppet Festival: Periplo Varieté (Chiclana, Cádiz).
– Puppets construction and manipulation for Brassic TV serie, 5 season, Sky Max (Mánchester, UK).
– ‘A pie de calle’ Festival: Periplo Varieté (Los Alcázares, Murcia)
– II RIMMA International Puppet Festival: Periplo Varieté. (Abatta, Ivory Coast).
– Co_direction of I Marionetistas Festival, Halloween Edition (Torrelaguna, Alcorcón and Madrid).
– Puppet’s construction for Ayahuasca Performance. Client: Letsgo Company. Director: Felype Lima (Madrid).
– El Retiro Puppet Theater: Periplo Varieté (Madrid).
– I Títere de Vialia Festival: Periplo Varieté (Albacete).
– Menuda Ciutat Festival: : Periplo Varieté (Sagunt, Valencia).
– II Teatro al Aire Libre Festival : Periplo Varieté (La Muela, Zaragoza).
– II Ciclo de Teatro Familiar ‘A la Fresca’: Periplo Varieté (Montanejos, Castellón).
– I Teatro de Calle de Pinto Festival: Periplo Varieté (Madrid).
– III Títeres de Utebo Festival: Periplo Varieté (Zaragoza).
– Escenas de calle Festival: Periplo Varieté (Oviedo, Asturias).
– Agusto Cultural Festival: Periplo Varieté (Puentes Viejas, Madrid).
– Teatro Carabolas Festival: Periplo Varieté (Bronchales, Teruel).
– TitereMurcia Festival: Periplo Varieté (Murcia).
– FITEC: Periplo Varieté (Parla, Madrid).
– Co-directors of I Muestra Expandida de Artes Escénicas, ‘Art for Change 2019’ project (Sierra Norte de Madrid).
– La Constelación del la Cultura: Periplo Varieté, Vicálvaro (Madrid).
– Verano Cultura Festival: Periplo Varieté (Torrelaguna, Madrid).
– Sal de Casa Festival: Periplo Varieté (Comarca Maestrazgo, Teruel).
– Títeres de Las Merindades Festival: Periplo Varieté (Burgos).
– Cultura Festival: Periplo Varieté (Navalafuente, Madrid).
– Titirimadroño Festival (Títeres del Retiro Theatre, Madrid).
– Ceará Theatre Biennial Inauguration´s online show Periplo Varieté (Brazil),.
– Construction and manipulation of puppets for the Scalpers Christmas commercial (TV and Social Media).
– Shadow Puppet Workshop, educational project ‘Viaja al centro de la escena’ ( 3 – 12 ages kids) Torremocha del Jarama (Madrid).
– Monkey on the wood , Spring City Council Program ‘Los Títeres van al Parque’ (Sundays of march and may) Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
– [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow at Festival Visibles Inclusive Arts of Madrid. Subtitles show adapted for deaf people.
– Girando por Plazas Festival: Periplo Varieté at Alpedrete, Madrid.
– Titirisanse Festival: Monkey on the wood at San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid).
– Music Festival RFM-Somnii: Periplo Varieté at Figueira da Foz (Portugal).
– MIMMOS Festival : [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow (Portuguese subtitles) at Sintra (Portugal).
– ‘A pie de calle’ Festival: Periplo Varieté at Roquetas de Mar (Almería).
– Festival d’Aurillac (Official off) : Periplo Varieté at Aurillac (France).
– Puppets Festival of Navalcarnero con Periplo Varieté (Madrid).
– Street Artists Contest from Aranda de Duero: Periplo Varieté (Burgos).
– [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow at Museu da Marioneta, Portuguese Subtitles Show (Lisbon, Portugal)
– Fiestas de San Isidro (Madrid): Periplo Varieté.
– TEA Festival (Toledo Escena Abierta): [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow. Finalist of jury.
– Títeres del Retiro Theatre Festival (Madrid): [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow.
– TitiriFuente Festival (Fuenlabrada,Madrid): Periplo Varieté.
– Petit Camaleons Festival (Sant Cugat, Barcelona): Periplo Varieté.
– Campus Titiritando: Puppet Workshop for kids (6-12 ages) and Christmas exhibition (Villarejo de Salvanés, Madrid).
– Premiere at ‘La Noche de los Libros’ of ‘Pequeña y Grande Ella Fitzgerald tale’ (Alba Editorial). Madrid Book Fair (Madrid).
– Festival Mondial Théâtre des Marionnettes Charleville Mézières premiere Periplo Variete (France).
– FITEC (International Street art Festival) Getafe, Madrid: Periplo Variete.
– Biennial International Theatre, Ceará: Periplo Variete (Brasil).
– International Puppet Festival Pedro Boca Rica: Periplo Variete. (Fortaleza, Brazil).
– Theatre season ‘Distancias Cortas’, CCH Cardenal Gonzaga, La Cabrera, Madrid: Rerun of [R]Evolution: The end of Tomorrow.
– 50 Aniversary Strawberry Fields Forever Festival, Almería: Special TitiriBeatles festival edition.
– MitMo Festival (Mostra Internacional de Titelles de Mollet), Barcelona: TitiriBeatles Cabaret: Nothing is real.
– International Beatleweek: Nothing is real (Liverpool, UK).
– Bristol Festival of Puppetry, Smoking Puppet Cabaret (UK).
– TitiriYébenes Festival: Acordes y Desacuerdos (Toledo).
– Torrelavega Street Theatre Festival: Nothing is real (Cantabria).
– FIMO Festival: Nothing is real (Ovar, Portugal).
– Umore Azoka Leioa: Nothing is real (Bilbao).
– Tampere Beatles Happening , Finlandia: Nothing is real.
– String puppets design and construction for “Let me be your lover” music video by Enrique Iglesias Ft. Pitbull. Manipulation by Periplo. Director: Alejandro Pérez.
– IX Teatro de la Sierra Norte de Madrid Festival: Premier Terciopelo: Fusión bajo la luna.
– Bunraku puppets design and construction for La Hermosa Jarifa Play (GG Distribuciones, Dtor: Borja Rodríguez). Premier at Teatro Clásico de Almagro Festival 2014.
– String puppets design and construction for Optimus Christmas TV Commercial. Manipulation by Periplo Marionetas. Havas Worldwide (Portugal).
– Scool Tour Lapland: TitiriBeatles Cabaret (Finland).
– String puppets design and construction for “Tras el Cristal” music video. Band: Cuatro Gatos. Manipulation by Periplo Marionetas.
– VIII Sierra Norte Theatre Festival: Premier R-Evolución: El fin del mañana (Madrid).
– VIII Sierra Norte Street Theatre Festival : TitiriBeatles Cabaret (Madrid).
– Bonecos International Festiva: TitiriBeatles+Artistas invitados (Brasilia, Brazil).
– International Street Theatre Contest: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados (Aranda de Duero, Burgos).
– AR.CA. Festival: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados (Aguilar de Campóo, Palencia).
– III Teatro Joven Festival: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados (Orcasitas, Madrid).
– 25º TITIRIMUNDI International Puppet Festival: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados.
– International Street Theatre Contest: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados. Winners Best show award.
– Premier Monkey on the wood Santa Pola, Alicante.
– Shows for “Desarrollo del comercio local” de Torrevieja, Alicante.
– International Street Theatre Festival ‘Cazorla de calle’: TitiriBeatles+Artistas Invitados (Jaen).
– FIMFA (International Puppet Festival): TitiriBeatles y Re-Encuentro (Lisbon, Portugal).
– Puppet manipulation for Hemma Underwear TV Commercial, Client: Miauw Audiovisual Production (Netherland).
– Design and construction realistic string puppets for music video. Band: Selig (Germany). Song: Schau, Schau Client: Universal Music. Director: Rene Eller. (Canary Island).
– Puppet Party at Museo da Marionetas de Lisbon: TitiriBeatles (Portugal).
– Creadors sense Vacances Festival, Barcelona Libraries (Spain).
– Elx al Carrer, Street Theatre Contest: TitiriBeatles (Elche, Alicante).
– Ulls Festival, Institut de Cultura: Cabaret Rock (Barcelona).
– Premier Cabaret Rock at Les Matins a L’Espiga de les Corts (Barcelona).
– Special Christmas Night, El Hormiguero TV program: TitiriBeatles (Channel 4, Spain).
– FIROBI, International Puppet Festival (Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona).
– Teatro de calle con TitiriBeatles y Rolling en Directo (Península Ibérica, México, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panamá, Chile y Argentina).
– Street Theatre TitiriBeatles and Rolling Puppets (Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile and Argentina).